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TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR INTERNSHIP - ENSZ Menekültügyi Főbiztosságának (UNHCR) Budapesti Globális Szolgáltató Központja

2022. szeptember 15., 13:05
Az ENSZ Menekültügyi Főbiztosságának (UNHCR) Budapesti Globális Szolgáltató Központjából az aktuális gyakornoki lehetőségei:
Organizational Unit: Division of Human Resources / Global Learning and Development Centre / Operations Management and Finance Learning and Development Unit
Duty station: Budapest, Hungary
Duration of the internship: 3 months – preferably full-time
Expected start date: 03 October 2022
Duties and Responsibilities
• General administrative support of the Unit
• Support of graphic and instructional design of new learning materials (instructional videos, e-learnings)
• Ad hoc tasks as per the unit’s needs and the intern’s interest
Minimum qualifications required
• Recent graduate or current student who has completed at least two years of undergraduate studies
• Fluency in English, with advanced writing and editing skills
• Good command of authoring tools is a strong asset (Articulate 360, Vyond, Adobe, Camtasia)
• Basic experience in graphic design is a strong asset
• Good experience using the Microsoft Office suite (Outlook, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint)
• Fluency in other UN languages is desirable, but not essential
• Highly organised and have good attention to detail
• Ability to multi-task and to prioritize workload
• Strong team player
• Cultural awareness
In order to be considered for an internship, candidates must meet the following eligibility criteria:
• Recent graduate (those persons who completed their studies within one year of applying) or current student in a graduate/undergraduate school programme from a university or higher education facility accredited by UNESCO; and
• Have completed at least two years of undergraduate studies in a field relevant or of interest to the work of the Organization.
• The candidate must be legally present in Hungary at the time of application as UNHCR is no
An individual whose father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister is a staff member ofUNHCR, including a Temporary Appointment holder or a member of the Affiliate Workforce, is not eligible for an internship.
Recruitment as a UNHCR staff member and engagement under a UNHCR affiliate scheme or as an intern is subject to proof of vaccination against Covid-19.
Interns who do not receive financial support from an outside party will receive an allowance to partially help to cover the cost of food, local transportation and living expenses.
To Apply:
Interested candidates should submit their Personal History Form (PHF) and its supplementary pages (if applicable), motivation letter and CV by e-mail to DHR GLDC Resource Management Unit indicating OM&F L&D Unit Internship by 21 September.