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Career Club 2022

Esemény kezdete:2022. március 11., 14:05




The Career Club organised by the Career Office of the Student Services Department (HSZO) aims to provide you with the opportunity and space to discuss career issues, gather information, get to know yourself and your options for further education/career better. It can help you to gain skills necessary for finding and applying for the ideal job for you.



  • you can fill self-knowledge/self-awareness questionnaires,
  • you can gather information regarding your future career,
  • you can explore your career options,
  • the information obtained here can help you to clarify and adjust your further goals & study path, and to choose the right field of work as well as the right job for you,
  • you can get help in developing strategies and action plans.


We invite you to our career workshop, where you can join us anytime during the indicated times without booking in advance!


HOSTS OF THE CAREER CLUB: Csorba Mór psychologist, Hugli Emese career counselor

DATES IN 2022: EVERY WEDNESDAY at 15.00 - 16.00
LOCATION: A/1 mfsz. 9.


For further programs contact us on FB

an on our website


The programmes of the HSZO CAREER OFFICE are implemented under the EFOP 3.4.3-16-2016-00015 "FŐNIX ME" - Renewing University Higher Education Institutional Development for the Joint Improvement of Quality and Accessibility of Higher Education project, within the framework of the Széchenyi 2020 programme.